Meet our team


The Board of EYP Spain


Lupe Cortés Trénor

The president of EYP Spain has the task of coordinating the internal functioning of the organization as a whole. This includes supervising and harmonizing the work of the rest of the Board Members, as well as those of any other activity or internal body belonging to EYPE.

“You can’t cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Christopher Columbus

Salas Estallo

The Vice Presidency of Internal Affairs (VPIA) is in charge of coordinating and supervising all the EYPE events. Among the events of the organization that it coordinates are Regional Selection Conferences, national events, and International Forums, if any.

‘’Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself’’
George Bernard Shaw


Pol Sanmartí Vigo

It is in charge of representing EYP Spain internationally and contacting representatives of other national committees. It also assigns places to represent EYP Spain in international events, such as the Board of National Committees, or events organized by other countries.

"Meeting so many people with different backgrounds in EYP has helped me understand the world and myself better"

Rodrigo Escuder Herrero

The HR is the person responsible for everything that is related to EYPE membership: the records, the census, supervising the Regional Coordinators and the Team Join Us, writing the minutes of the Board meetings, in addition, is the contact person of the Board for EYPE members.

“If you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation”
Don Draper


Jordi Bravo

It is in charge of the accounting of the National Committee and supervises the budgets of all the events and activities of the organization. It has the bank signature of the EYPE account and negotiates the terms of said account with the bank.

Free speech isn’t just about speaking. It is also about listening ..."
Tim Cook, Apple CEO.
“The youth of today, are the leaders of tomorrow”
Nelson Mandela

Beti Riera Vallejan

It is in charge of the image and communication of EYPE. It Supervises the institutional image of the network for internal and external agents, and is in charge of updating the EYPE website and the organization's social networks and merchandising.

“EYP is the place where I can be myself, without fear and without worries for what they think”